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Import Contacts into KlickTipp

In this guide, you’ll learn how to import your contacts' email addresses into KlickTipp. We’ll also show you how to manage your contacts and improve your delivery rate. Before you start, please be sure to save the contacts in a UTF-8 encoded CSV file.

Important to know:

To import contacts into KlickTipp, you must use a DKIM-signed domain. This requirement ensures that KlickTipp authenticates your emails and meets industry standards for email security. For further information, check out our  guide on DKIM.

How to Import Contacts Using a CSV File  

  • In the menu, navigate to Contact Cloud → Contacts → Import contacts.
  • Click on → New import.
  • Confirm the import policy at the bottom by clicking → I confirm.
  • Name your import process and select your CSV file.
  • Ensure the CSV file uses separators that the system can automatically detect.

How to Assign Fields in KlickTipp

KlickTipp will automatically detect if your file includes a header line and show you a quick preview of the data to be imported. Next, just assign the KlickTipp fields to match your data.

  • To proceed, click on → Assign fields. KlickTipp will recognize the standard fields, but you can adjust them or create new assignments as needed.
  • Make sure to assign the email address to the Digital ID field.
  • Finally, click → Upload File to complete the import.

Validation of Contacts

A progress bar will display the current status of data record validation. After the validation process is complete, you’ll see a detailed summary of the results.

Tagging, Confirmation Procedure & Import


  • Select a tag for your imported contacts. Activating this option will tag contacts even if the import is incomplete.
  • Choose an opt-in process from the drop-down menu. If your contacts are GDPR-compliant, you can select None.
  • Next, confirm the import policy and click → Import.
  • If you have chosen an opt-in process, a confirmation email will be sent. Confirm the import by clicking the blue button I Confirm.
  • During the import, you will see a progress bar. Once the import is complete, you’ll be able to view the results.
  • If needed, you can also upload additional files.
  • You can then return to the import overview or delete the import. Contacts that have already been imported will remain unchanged.

Q&A - Questions and Answers

Here you’ll find frequently asked questions about importing contacts into KlickTipp.

Can I Import a List with Multiple Tags into KlickTipp?

Yes, you can! Simply follow these steps in addition to the standard import process:

  • First, add a separate column in your CSV file for each tag. Use an → X or another character to mark the tags for each contact. Make sure these tags are already created in your KlickTipp account.
  • Next, during field mapping, set the target field type to → Tag. Then, assign the correct tag to each target field. Ensure that the tags are already created in your KlickTipp account before making these selections.

Which Format Should I Export the CSV File In?

Always export the file in UTF-8 format. If you see an error message with older versions of Excel on Windows, open the file in a text editor and save it as a CSV file.

If your application fails to export the table correctly, use Google Sheets instead. You can download the table directly as comma-separated values. To do so, just navigate to the Google Sheets menu and select File → Download → Comma-separated values.

What Is the 10% Limit All About?

To maintain a high delivery rate, please ensure you only send emails to valid and reachable addresses. Our system checks this in the background. If more than 5% of the addresses are unreachable, the import will be rejected. Just review and clean up your list, then upload it again.

You can verify individual email addresses using various third-party providers, such as,, or They provide information on the email addresses as well as details if there is anything wrong with them.

For entire lists, you can use the following tools: or

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