How to Use the "End" Action to Properly Conclude Campaigns

The "End" action in the Marketing Cockpit is a simple yet powerful tool to conclude your campaigns. It ensures that your contacts exit the campaign without triggering any further actions. In this guide, you'll learn how and why to use the "End" action effectively.

Why Use the "End" Action?

When a contact reaches the end of a campaign, they remain active unless specifically directed to exit. If you don’t plan to add more actions to the campaign, the "End" action ensures that the contact leaves the campaign without any unnecessary steps. This keeps your campaigns organized and prevents unintended actions from being triggered.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • At the end of your campaign  in the Marketing Cockpit, click on → Add Action.
  • Select the “End” action. The campaign is ended at the exact point of the “End” action.
  • The action can be used at the end of any number of branches.

Using the "End" action in the Marketing Cockpit is essential for creating smooth and organized campaign flows. It allows you to control when and how your campaigns conclude, ensuring your contacts exit without further actions.

Try it today to optimize your campaigns and maintain clarity in your workflows.

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