Effectively Use the “Email” Action in KlickTipp

In this article, you will learn how to use the “Email” action in KlickTipp in the best possible way. We explain step by step how to add the action to your campaigns.

You have the option of either creating a new email or selecting an existing one. You can also specify whether you want to wait until the contact can receive emails again.

The “Email” action is one of the most frequently used actions in a campaign. Accordingly, you can use it with just a few clicks.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Open your → Campaign   in the Marketing Cockpit.
  • Click on the → + Symbol  under the action to be followed by the “Email” action.
  • Select the “Email” action.
  • Click on the action in the Marketing Cockpit and name it.
  • Select an email from the drop-down menu or create a new email.
  • You can specify whether the action should wait until the contact can receive emails. This is particularly helpful if the contact's email address is temporarily unavailable (e.g. in the event of a soft bounce). Alternatively, you can deactivate this function. In this case, the email action is skipped and the contact does not receive the email.
  • Finally, click on → Save.

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