Store Recipient Email Address in Sender Profile

This article shows you how to store the recipient email address in the sender profile. This function is used to send a notification by email to a specific contact.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Click on the menu → AutomationSignatures / Sender Profiles New Signature.
  • There you will find the → Recipient Email Address  field. This is used to send a notification to a specific contact by email.
  • To do this, select the “Email Notification” action in the Marketing Cockpit.

The special feature of this field is that you can automatically select the recipient address based on tags.


A contact runs through a campaign that is created for both product A and product B customers. Now a specific contact is to be informed using the “Email Notification” action. The information relates to a specific action by the contact, e.g. clicking on a SmartLink.

However, there are two different contact persons for product A and B. The recipient email address field is filled differently in different sender profiles. The field in sender profile A is filled in with the e-mail address for the contact person for product A. In sender profile B, the email address of the contact person for product B is entered. The tag used in the sender profile now determines which contact person is contacted.

In the “Email Notification” action, select the option → Automatically Based on Tags (Sender Profile)  in the field → Email Address.  This ensures the recipient is automatically selected based on the customer’s tag instead of being fixed.

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