Start Campaigns Based on Dates in KlickTipp

Do you want your campaigns to be perfectly timed? With KlickTipp, you can easily automate campaigns that start based on a specific date in a custom field. This guide walks you through using date-based conditions step by step. Ensure your reminders and messages reach the right people at the right moment.

First, please import the campaign using the following campaign template.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Setting Up the Start Condition and Reminder Date

  • Open your campaign in the Marketing Cockpit
  • Select the → Event Date  field as the start condition. Additional condition → is not empty.
  • Define an action for the reminder date so that a reminder is triggered exactly one week before the event date.
  • Use the action → Update Contact.
  • Define the condition: Field from master record → Event Reminder.
  • Under → Operation,  select → Copy Date and Time from another Field.  Select → Event Date  as source.
  • Add another action → Update Contact  to the campaign. Use this action to set the event date back by one week.
  • Define the condition: Field from master record → Event Reminder.
  • Under → Select OperationSet date and time in the past.  Select → - 7 Days .

The next action checks when the event takes place.

Is the date of the event reminder at least one week after today's date? If so, only then will reminder emails be sent to your contacts.

You need to verify whether there are still more than 7 days remaining or if the time period has already been exceeded.

Configuring Conditional Actions and Sending Reminders

  • To do this, set an “If... Else...” action. In the additional field → Event Reminder Is Value in the Field after the current Time.  Then select → 0 Days .
  • If there are less than 7 days left, the campaign should be ended in the NO branch. To do this, select the “End” action.
  • If there are more than 7 days left, the system waits until there are exactly 7 days left. Only then will the reminder email be sent.
  • Add the “Wait...” action. Select the delay → Date and Time from Additional FieldEvent Reminder.
  • Now select the “Email” action for sending the reminder email.
  • You can also add further “Wait” actions and emails to the campaign.
  • Finally, activate the campaign.

Now you know how to start a campaign depending on a specific date. Use this guide to plan your campaigns perfectly and reach your contacts at the right time.

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