Create a Sign-Up via Email with Additional Fields

Want to collect more detailed contact information without an API or Zapier? With KlickTipp's Sign-Up via Email, you can easily capture and transfer data using additional fields. This guide walks you through the process step by step, helping you expand your data collection options.

This feature is perfect for integrating data from various systems into KlickTipp.


A car appraisal software needs to transfer data to KlickTipp but doesn’t have an API or Zapier integration. In this case, you can use email sign-up and include additional fields in the process.

To add fields, follow a structured format. Copy the → Parameter for Sign-Up via Email of the required field. Insert it into a new line in the email body, followed by a space, an “=” sign, and the field value. To extract the email address from the body text, create a new field of type → Email.

Name the parameter for email sign-up something like → Email Address, as in our example.

First nameJohn
Last nameDoe
Decimal number0,23

Did You Know?

Number formats must always correspond to the corresponding field types. This is the only way to successfully complete the transfer of the contact. This applies, for example, to fields such as date, time, numbers and email address.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Create and Configure Sign-Up via Email

  • In the menu, go to → List Building  New List Building.
  • Click → Create Sign-Up via Email.
  • Enter a name for your Sign-Up via Email.
  • Select the tag that should be assigned to new sign-ups.
  • Enter the email address where sign-up requests should be sent under → Contacts.

Set Triggers and Add Fields

  • Specify the subject line that will trigger the sign-up.
  • Specify the subject line that will trigger the unsubscribe request.
  • Click on the → New Sign-Up via Email  button to create the setup.
  • Add the required fields in the email from the third-party provider, following the format described above.

Now you know how you can easily use the sign-up via email with additional fields. This will significantly expand your data collection options in KlickTipp. You can transfer data from systems without their own API connection to KlickTipp.

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