Setting the Start Condition in the Marketing Cockpit

In this post, you'll learn how to correctly set the start condition in the Marketing Cockpit, ensuring the right contacts are added to your campaign. We’ll show you how to define conditions like contact status and signup form.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Your First Condition

  • Open your campaign in the → Marketing Cockpit  and click on the start condition.
  • Assign a name.
  • Under → Conditions for the Contact,  select the → Status  option in the drop-down menu. The condition → Contact can receive Emails  then appears by default.

Did you Know?

If you want to ensure that only active contacts are included in the campaign, you can easily specify this. Simply add the condition → Status Contact can receive emails  to the start condition.

  • Click on → + Add new condition.
  • Select → AND  as the link. This ensures that both conditions must be met.
  • In the drop-down menu, select → Sign-Up Form.
  • Select the sign-up form you want to use.

Adding a second Condition

If you want to add another condition, such as a manual tag, follow these steps:

  • Click → + New Segment.
  • If you select the link → OR, an alternative check is performed. Your contact can either have registered via the sign-up form or have a specific tag. With the AND link, both conditions must be met at the same time for the contact to be included in the campaign.
  • Again, first select the → Status  option under → Conditions  for the contact in the drop-down menu.
  • Click on → + Add New Condition.
  • Select → AND  as the link.
  • Select the → Tags  option in the drop-down menu.
  • Select the desired tag.
  • Finally, click on → Save.

You can also perform queries based on field content. For example, if you want to check the content of a date and time field, the following applies:

  • Query whether the date in the field is at some point in the future:
    If the value in the field is after the current time PLUS 0 days
  • Query whether the date in the field is at least 2 days in the future:
    If the value in the field is after the current time PLUS 2 days
  • Query whether the date in the field is any time in the past :
    If the value in the field is before the current time MINUS 0 days
  • Query whether the date in the field is at least 2 days in the past :
    If the value in the field is MINUS 2 days before the current time

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