Send Personalized Emails to Individual Contacts

Do you want to send personalized emails to individual contacts? With KlickTipp Enterprise, it's easy. Create custom email templates and make tailored offers without setting up a full campaign. This guide will show you how to prepare and send individual emails quickly and effectively.

To activate this feature, go to the email editing dialog in the Settings section at the bottom. There, you'll find the option → Use as email template for sending to individual contacts.

Important to Know

Please note that this feature is available only with KlickTipp Enterprise.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Create a New Field in the Customer's Master Record

  • Click on → Contacts  → Master Record Fields New Field.
  • Name the field, e.g. → Individual Offer (URL).
  • Select the → URL  option under → Type.
  • Click on → Create Additional Field.
  • Confirm with the green → Save  button.

Create a New Email

  • Go to → Campaigns Emails / SMS New Email  in the menu.
  • Name the email, e.g. → Template for Individual Offer.
  • Check the box → Use as Email Template for Sending to Individual Contacts.
  • Click on → Create Campaign Email  and enter a subject and design your email.
  • Insert the newly created additional field → Individual Offer (URL)  as a placeholder.
  • Now, cut the placeholder to copy it to the clipboard.
  • Import a graphic or create a text link that points to your placeholder by clicking the Link button in the Editor menu and pasting the content from your clipboard under → URL.
  • Important: If you link to placeholders in the rich text editor, always select the → Other  protocol.
  • Click on → Save and Calculate Spam Score.

Go to Your Contacts

  • Select the contact to whom you would like to send an individual offer.
  • Click on the → General  tab.
  • Select the → Upload File  button next to the → Individual Quote (URL)  field.
  • Upload your quote, ideally as a PDF file.
  • Ensure your file size doesn't exceed 2 MB, or you will receive an error message.
  • The link displayed is automatically transferred to the placeholder in your email.
  • Click on → Save.

Send Your Email

  • Click on the → Send Email  tab at the top left.
  • In the drop-down menu under → Email,  select the email template you created.
  • Select → Preview  to get display preview of the email content.
  • Click on → Send  to send the email to your desired recipient.

Sending personalized emails helps you build stronger connections and deliver tailored offers. KlickTipp Enterprise makes this process simple and efficient. Start using this feature today to engage your audience personally.

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