Pre-Fill Email Addresses in Sign-Up Forms

Streamline your sign-up process with the pre-fill email address feature. It helps users register faster and ensures accurate data assignment to existing contacts.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Create and Customize Your Sign-Up Form

  • Create a RAW sign-up form, copy the embed code, and paste it onto your desired page.
  • For this function, you'll need a page with the extension → .php  on your web server, which you can create with a suitable HTML editor, such as Brackets for Mac and Windows.
  • Enter the corresponding command as the → value in the email field and customize the form as required.

Please insert this command:

<?php echo $_GET["email"];  ?>

Upload the Page and Add the URL to Your Email

  • Upload the saved page to your web space via FTP. The page should then be accessible in the browser.
  • Copy the complete URL (e.g. http://Ihredomain/ihreseite.php) to the clipboard.
  • Paste the link to the sign-up form in an email with the placeholder for the email address.

Add this code to the URL:

  • The complete URL for the link in the email then looks like this, for example: https://domain/seite.php?email=%Subscriber:EmailAddress%

The email address is automatically inserted into the correct field. This happens only when the link in the email is clicked.

Now you know how to pre-fill email addresses in sign-up forms. This method simplifies the registration process. It also ensures accurate data assignment in your contact list.

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