Newsletter Statistics: Key Metrics for Campaign Success

Newsletter statistics provide valuable insights into the success of your email campaigns. Understand key metrics like opens, clicks, conversions, and unsubscribes. Use this guide to analyze your data effectively and improve future campaigns step by step.

When you send a newsletter, you receive a summary of key metrics. Below, we explain what each metric means and how it helps measure your success.

Good to Know

The tags for openings and clicks are automatically deleted from the KlickTipp system after six months for performance reasons.

Understanding Key Newsletter Metrics

  • Click on a sent newsletter in the → Newsletter Overview .
  • Select → Overview  in the menu on the left.
  • The overview section displays the most important metrics at a glance.
    • Sent:
      Total number of contacts to whom the newsletter was sent.
    • Opened:
      The “Opened” metric includes two types of data: unique opens and total opens. Unique opens count each recipient only once, while total opens include all instances of opening the email. This means total opens may be much higher.
    • clicked:
      Number of contacts who have clicked at least once on any link in the email.
    • Conversions:
      e.g. sales, registrations or leads. The prerequisite is that the conversion pixel of the newsletter has been placed on a target page.
    • Unsubscribed:
      How many contacts have unsubscribed after receiving the newsletter.
    • Hard / Soft Bounces:
      Number of contacts whose email addresses received a hard or soft bounce status after receiving the newsletter.
    • Spam complaints:
      Number of manual or automatic spam complaints (triggered by the provider).
  • A pie chart visually shows how well your newsletter performed. Here you will find the numbers for → Not opened,  → Not clicked  and → Not converted.  In comparison, you can see opens, clicks and conversions.
  • At the end, you'll see a list of all the links in your newsletter. It shows how many unique and total clicks each link received.

Newsletter metrics help you make smarter decisions for your email campaigns. Review the data, adjust your approach, and aim for better outcomes. Use these insights to strengthen your audience connections and achieve greater success.

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