Use Facebook Audience for Targeted Campaigns

This article shows you how to use your Facebook Audience in KlickTipp. You can create and optimize targeted email campaigns based on specific Facebook Audience criteria.

This feature is only available to our Enterprise Customers.

Did You Know?

Only custom audiences of the type “customer file” can be synchronized.

Make sure that you agree to Facebook's Terms of use for all audiences. This is the only way to ensure smooth synchronization with KlickTipp. Check the correct function of the synchronization in the KlickTipp contacts. Click the → Add to Facebook Audience button at the bottom of a contact. You can then select the appropriate audience from the drop-down menu. Finally, select → Add contact.

All audiences of this type from all advertising accounts are displayed in the overview. You may also see those for which access has been revoked. However, only the advertising accounts authorized in the app will be synchronized.

Log in to your Facebook account and the associated advertising account beforehand. Visit the Facebook page for developers and select the account to which your advertising account and Custom Audiences are assigned.

Step-by-Step Instructions

In the advertising account of your Facebook account

  • Click on → Settings  on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
  • Under → Namespace, enter a name, e.g. your KlickTipp user name. However, this must not contain any numbers.
  • Under → App domains,  enter →  Deliberately leave out https:// and / at the end.
  • Click on → Add platform.
  • Select → Website.
  • Enter the URL here exactly as follows:
  • Click → Save changes  at the bottom.
  • Click on → Advanced  in the menu on the left.
  • Select your Business Manager with which you manage your advertising accounts. To do this, click on → Business Manager.
  • Enter your advertising account ID under → Advertising accounts - Authorized advertising account IDs.  Copy this from your advertising account beforehand.
  • Click on → Save changes.

Switch to your KlickTipp account

  • Under → Recipients Contacts Facebook Audience Sync.
  • Here you enter the app ID and the application secret code in the fields for the app.
  • Copy both codes from the app dashboard on the developer page beforehand. You can find them under → Settings General.

Add a product

  • Click on → Add product  in the menu on the left and select → Facebook Login  and click on → Settings.
  • Enter the URL under → Valid OAuth Redirect URIs.  You can find this in your KlickTipp account.
  • Click → Save changes  at the bottom.

Switch to your KlickTipp account

  • Click on → Save.
  • Your created Custom Audiences of the type “Customer file” are now synchronized and displayed.

Good to Know

At this point, the access token is set at KlickTipp for access to Facebook for 60 days. If possible, you should renew this in between by clicking on the synchronization button.

If the token expires, the synchronization in the campaign pauses. If the token is renewed, it will start again. No contacts will be omitted or deleted.

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