How to Import and Customize Campaign Templates

In this article, we will show you step by step how to import, check and customize a campaign template in KlickTipp. Regardless of whether it is your own or a third-party campaign template, you can easily import it into your account.

We will explain how to use the URL of the template and assign a prefix. Use the Smart Import function to assign existing content or create new content.


Instructions for the Import

  • Enter the URL of the campaign template in the browser address bar to start the import dialog.
  • Enter a prefix if required. This prefix is placed in front of all imported content to make it easy to recognize.
  • Tick → Smart Import  if you want to assign existing content or create new content. If you do not use this option, all associated objects will be imported automatically.
  • They then receive the extension → _1  for each element that already exists with the same name.
  • Example: The tag → Interested Party  should also be imported, but already exists in the account.
  • If it is not assigned but newly created, it will be called → Template Interested_1  if the prefix → Template  is selected.

Review and Adjustments

  • Open the imported campaign under → Campaigns.
  • It is helpful to adapt the names of the imported objects to your needs during the import. Otherwise, you can make the adjustments directly via the actions in the Marketing Cockpit. The changes will take effect as soon as you reopen the campaign.
  • This procedure can be time-consuming for large campaigns. We recommend choosing a strategy beforehand, assigning existing objects, or creating them with unique names to stay organized.

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