Using the “If…Else…” Action for Targeted Automation

In this article, you'll learn how to use the “If… Else…” action in KlickTipp. This feature allows you to easily automate conditional actions based on specific criteria.

This helpful tool lets you refine your marketing automation by triggering actions that depend on certain conditions. These can include specific behaviors, tagging, or other characteristics of a contact.

You can use the “If… Else…” action whenever you need to check a condition. If the condition is met, you can trigger an action in the “Yes” branch. If it is not met, use the “No” branch to execute a different action.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Open your Campaign in the Marketing Cockpit
  • Click on → + Add Action.
  • Add the “If…Else…” action.
  • The action will automatically create Yes and a No branch, allowing you to easily determine if the condition is met. You can assign different actions to each branch.
  • Click on the action and give it a name. Select what you want to check in the action.
  • Numerous options are available to you here via the drag & drop menu for checking. For example, you can check whether a tag has been assigned, an email has been opened or a link has been clicked. A combination of several conditions is also possible.
  • You can also add further conditions directly or via additional segments if you wish.
  • After editing, click → Save.

Did you know?

Add a “Wait” action before action-dependent conditions with enough wait time. This ensures that the contact’s action can actually be measured.

When checking a link click, you should allow several hours. This prevents the check from always resulting in a negative outcome, as the contact might click the link later.

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