Set Up Your Domain and Enterprise Mail Server

In this article, we will show you how to set up your domain and your mail server as an Enterprise customer. You can then configure email delivery and upload your own logo. This also includes setting up DKIM signatures.

Enter your own domain in the → Domains and mail server dialog. You can create and use a DKIM-signed sending address for this domain. This is how you make the DKIM settings: Create Sending Addresses (DKIM, SPF, DMARC).

You can also use this domain in conjunction with your own mail server. You can also use and link your own logo on certain system pages.


Set up Domain

  • Click on → My account  → Settings  → Domains.
  • Enter your domain in the field provided and click → Add Domain.
  • You will see a green message that the domain has been created. You will also see a red message that the shipping address domain has been deactivated. The required DNS settings are not yet set.
  • Follow the steps in the article: Create Sending Addresses (DKIM, SPF, DMARC).

Set up the Mail Server

  • Start the mail server configuration by clicking on the → Configure Mail Server  button.
  • You will be taken to the form for setting up the mail server. Here you can choose whether you want to make the necessary settings with your provider yourself. We only recommend this option if you know your way around. Otherwise, we will be happy to set it up for you.
  • Click on → Send Now  when you have completed all the fields in the form.

Upload and Link your own Logo

  • Either enter the URL to your logo file or upload an image by clicking on → Select Image.  If you do not have a logo, you can alternatively use a profile picture.
  • Click on → Upload  and follow the steps in your system's file management.
  • Double-click on your logo file.
  • The URL of your logo file will then be automatically inserted into the corresponding field.
  • You can optionally link your logo to any URL.

Your uploaded and linked logo will now be displayed on the system pages.

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