KlickTipp’s Multi-Device Tracking for Affiliate Success

Do you want to help your affiliates succeed? KlickTipp's Digistore24 multi-device tracking makes it easy. It ensures that your affiliates always receive their commissions. This feature works seamlessly across all devices. It also improves the profitability of your affiliate program.

With multi-device tracking, commissions are never lost. The system checks every interaction to ensure accurate affiliate assignments. It works with any device or browser. This added value makes your program more attractive to partners.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Click on one of your sign-up forms in the overview under → List Building.
  • Activate the option → Activate Digistore24 Multi-Device Tracking.
  • Save the sign-up form.

By activating this feature, your affiliates won’t lose any commissions. Digistore24 now checks across all media to determine which affiliate each contact or affiliate link belongs to.

Technical Procedure

Let’s say you have your own affiliate program with a few affiliates. You reach out to them, asking them to send their contacts to your landing page.

Now, when a contact visits the landing page with the signup form, Digistore24 checks the following: Has this contact already clicked on an affiliate link? To which affiliate was the contact assigned? This ensures that any purchases are attributed to the correct affiliate.

So, what makes KlickTipp’s Digistore24 multi-device tracking so unique? When the contact signs up through the form, an invisible tag is permanently applied.

This permanently associates the contact with the identified affiliate.

For emails you send on behalf of affiliates, any link clicks are redirected to Digistore24, where cookies are set based on the assigned affiliate. A cookie is a small file stored on a visitor’s device when they visit a website, enabling clear identification.

With multi-device tracking, the type of device used for the visit doesn’t matter. Whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, and across different browsers, each link click is redirected to Digistore24. With every click, Digistore24 rechecks the affiliate assignment.

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