How to Use the “Detect Name” Action in KlickTipp

Find out how you can use KlickTipp to automatically derive names from email addresses.

The “Detect Name” Action can derive the first name and surname from the email address. These can then be transferred to the corresponding master record fields of the contact.

The email address must include the name for this to work. For example, the first name is recognized if it appears before the “@” sign. It can also include common separators like a dot, dash, or underscore, along with a last name.

KlickTipp does not automatically recognize double names in the first names. Only the first first name is adopted here. For surnames, however, double names are recognized as long as they are separated by a hyphen.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Open your → Campaign  in the Marketing Cockpit.
  • Go to → + Add Action.
  • Select → Detect Name.
  • Click on the campaign in the Marketing Cockpit. Name it and enter the fields for first name and surname.
  • Finally, go to → Save.

Once KlickTipp recognizes the first name, it uses the “Detect Gender” action to determine the gender automatically. You can find more details in the article Use “Detect Gender” Action in KlickTipp Campaigns.

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