E-Commerce & Lead Generation
How to Connect Thrive Architect to KlickTipp
In this post, you'll learn how to connect Thrive Architect with KlickTipp. You can easily create landing pages and sign-up forms, then link them directly to your KlickTipp account. You'll also discover how to design forms that automatically transfer leads to KlickTipp.
Are the standard fields “Name”, “Email Address”, and optionally “Phone Number” sufficient for your lead generation form with Thrive? If so, you can simply connect via the API.
If you need additional fields, you can easily integrate them via HTML.
Important to Know
The connection to Thrive is available starting with the KlickTipp Premium plan.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Set Up API Connection from KlickTipp in Thrive
- Log in to your WordPress account.
- In the WordPress dashboard, click on → Thrive Dashboard in the menu on the left.
- Scroll to the → API Connections section and click on the tile.
- Click on → Add New Connection.
- Select the KlickTipp service from the drop-down menu under → Select an App.
- Enter the username and password of your KlickTipp account.
- Important: Always select the KlickTipp username here instead of the user email address. This applies to all API connections to third-party providers,
- Click on → Connect.
- You'll now receive a message that the interface has been set up successfully.
Lead Generation in Thrive Architect via API Connection
- In WordPress, go to the page on which you have integrated your lead generation form. Open it in the Thrive Architect editor.
- Click on the → Form Element.
- On the left-hand side, you can access the settings. There, click on → Add Connection.
- Select → KlickTipp from the drop-down menu.
- Select the desired KlickTipp double opt-in process. Decide which tag KlickTipp should set for the registration.
- Finally, click on → Apply. The term → Mailing List in Thrive refers to the KlickTipp's Double-Opt-In-Process.
- The form fields were created in the lead generation form in Thrive and linked to KlickTipp. You can change the name displayed in the fields. To do this, click on the pencil icon and enter your own name next to → Placeholder .
- Would you like to display the thank you page of the KlickTipp double opt-in process? Select the corresponding option under → After Successful Submission. Click on the drop-down menu below and select → KlickTipp Thank You URL.
- Finally, click on → Apply.
- The functionality of the lead generation form with KlickTipp is now established. Make any further adjustments to your page
- Finally, click → Save Work at the bottom left of the editor to save the latest version of the page.
Lead Generation in Thrive Architect via HTML Code
- Use the connection via HTML code if you need more than the standard fields (name and email address).
- Create a new List Building for Thrive Themes in KlickTipp.
- To do this, select the → Thrive Themes button.
- Enter a name and click on → Create Sign-Up Form.
- Select a double opt-in process in KlickTipp and optionally a manual tag.
- Add other required fields in addition to the email address.
- Click on → Embed Code.
- First copy the HTML source code. Note that you have to copy the spam protection source code under point 2 separately and paste it in a suitable place in Thrive.
- Go to the Thrive Architect editor and click on → HTML code in the menu on the left.
- Click in the text area at → Insert Your Code here.
- Paste the code from the clipboard and click on → Generate Form.
- The fields of the KlickTipp registration form are created. You can change the respective names using the pencil icon next to the → Placeholder label.
- Then click on → Apply.
- Finally, click on → Save Work. Thrive's lead generation form is now connected to your KlickTipp registration form. It now transfers the contacts to KlickTipp.
Important to Know
Ensure you correctly insert the spam protection source code in Thrive before testing the form. Only then will contact data be successfully transferred to KlickTipp.
Connecting Thrive Architect to KlickTipp simplifies lead management. It ensures your forms work seamlessly. Follow this guide to start capturing leads directly in your contacts. Take the first step today and optimize your marketing strategy.