API Function Overview – Streamline Your Integrations

In our API Function Overview, you’ll learn how to easily use the KlickTipp API to enhance your marketing efforts. We will provide a detailed, step-by-step guide through the REST web service, so you can grasp each concept clearly. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve your skills, our instructions will help you use the API with confidence.

Learn how to authenticate with ease, explore the different response formats available to you, and discover which specific API functions you can use to optimize your processes.

With our API, you can retrieve data, update it, or manage new subscribers. We'll also show you how to configure your API requests correctly with ease.


HTTP requests to our REST API are secured with cookie-based authentication. To obtain your session cookie, please call the login function using your username and password.

curl -X POST https://api.klicktipp.com/account/login.json \ --data-urlencode "username=username" \ --data-urlencode "password=XXXXXXXX"

In the HTTP response header 'Set-Cookie', you'll find your session cookie. This consists of a name (session_name) and a value (sessid). Please include this session cookie in all subsequent requests to our API by sending it via the 'Cookie' header.

Response Formats

Our API offers four different response formats. You can receive information from your KlickTipp account in PHP, XML, or JSON, for example. To select a response format, append the name of the desired data format to the end of the URL. For instance, to retrieve all your opt-in processes in JSON, call the URL 'https://api.klicktipp.com/list.json'.


loginhttps://api.klicktipp.com/account/loginPOSTusername, password
subscription_process_gethttps://api.klicktipp.com/list/GETlistid is required in URL
subscription_process_redirecthttps://api.klicktipp.com/list/redirectPOSTlistid, email
tag_gethttps://api.klicktipp.com/tag/ GETtagid is required in URL
tag_updatehttps://api.klicktipp.com/tag/ PUTname, tagid is required in URL
tag_deletehttps://api.klicktipp.com/tag/ DELETEtagid is required in URL
subscribehttps://api.klicktipp.com/subscriberPOSTemail, listid, tagid, fields, smsnumber
dayhttps://api.klicktipp.com/subscriber/tagPOSTemail, tagid
untaghttps://api.klicktipp.com/subscriber/untagPOSTemail, tagid
subscriber_gethttps://api.klicktipp.com/subscriber/ GETsubscriberid is required in URL
subscriber_updatehttps://api.klicktipp.com/subscriber/ PUTfields, newemail, newsmsnumber, subscriberid is required in URL
subscriber_deletehttps://api.klicktipp.com/subscriber/ DELETEsubscriberid is required in URL
signinhttps://api.klicktipp.com/subscriber/signinPOSTapikey, email, fields, smsnumber
signouthttps://api.klicktipp.com/subscriber/signoutPOSTapikey, email
signoffhttps://api.klicktipp.com/subscriber/signoffPOSTapikey, email

This API function overview will help you enhance and automate your marketing activities.

The summary of authentication, response formats, and functions will help you implement everything effectively. With our API documentation, you can make the most of all functions.

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