Additional Data Fields for Managing Contact Information

Additional data fields allow you to store information beyond standard fields like name or email. Use them to capture unique details about your contacts.

These fields are ideal for personalizing campaigns and improving engagement. You can integrate them with sign-up forms, APIs, and email placeholders. This guide shows you how to use additional data fields effectively.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Use of Additional Data Fields

Additional data fields are generally used to store information in a contact's profile. This includes the digital ID, name, address, and other relevant details.

The data can be transmitted via a KlickTipp registration form, for example, or through an API connection from a third-party provider. The content of these fields can later be inserted into emails via placeholders or used to trigger campaigns or checks within campaigns.

  • To insert a placeholder in an email, click in a text area in the email and select the → Insert Placeholder  button in the toolbar.
  • Select the desired placeholder.
  • To start a campaign based on a specific field content, select the → Field Condition  in the drop-down menu in the campaign start condition.
  • Select the field to be checked or create a new field.

Important to Know

Data can only be transferred if the formats for all fields are correct.

Create an Additional Field

  • In the menu, click on → Contacts  → Data Fields  → New Field.
  • Select a name and type from the drop-down menu and click → Create Additional Data Field.
  • Make further settings, such as activating the checkbox in front of → Multidimensional Data Field,  copying the values to another field and the category of the field.
  • Multidimensional data field means that different values are set for primary contact and duplicate or for different digital IDs. If you deactivate this option, only one value is written in the entire contact.
  • You can also merge the field with other predefined fields or fields of type line or paragraph.
  • Finally, click on → Save.

Field Type & Formats

The individual field types require different formats for the content entered. This must be taken into account when entering via a registration form, but also when transmitting via API.

In order for fields to be filled in correctly, their type must correspond to the required specification of the third-party provider. Please refer to your provider's documentation to find out which type of field this is in detail.

Field typeContents
LineText in one line
ParagraphText with paragraphs
EmailOnly email addresses, @ sign required
NumberWhole numbers without decimal point, sign or other content
Decimal numberNumbers with decimal places
URLWeb address must begin with http:// or https://
Timein HH:MM format (filling via the KlickTipp API is only possible in Unix timestamp format)
Datein DD.MM.YYYY format (filling via the KlickTipp API is only possible in Unix timestamp format)
Date & timeexact format DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS (with or without spaces between date and time, fill by transferring another field or the KlickTipp API only possible in Unix timestamp format)

View in Contact

  • Click on a contact and then select → Details  in the menu on the left. Now select a desired field category or leave the setting at → All.

Additional data fields help you manage contact information more efficiently. They make it easy to create personalized and impactful campaigns. Start using additional data fields today and take your contact management to the next level.

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