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Use "Split Test" Action

This article shows how you can use the "split test" action.

Test different email versions to identify those with the highest open rate. This will tell you which content is best received by your audience.

Step-by-step instructions

  • Open your campaign in the Marketing Cockpit
  • Click on the → + sign after  a campaign action.
  • Then select → " Split test" action.
  • Configure the "Split test" action, e.g. by testing two subject variants of an email in terms of opens.
  • Set a test period.
  • Select → Action   for the first variant → Email  and then the corresponding email.
  • Under → Target of split test , select → Emails   and the corresponding email.
  • Click on → + Add another variant  and make the same settings for the 2nd variant of your email. Select a modified version of the content of the email with variant 1, e.g. with a different subject.
  • Finally, click on →Save.

Important to know:

As soon as the campaign is started, the set period for the split test begins.

However, if the "Wait" action is used, the split test emails are not sent.

How the "split test" campaign works

It is checked whether the contacts reach the target of the split test. KlickTipp monitors this with the help of tagging. This is only limited by the time period in which the split test runs.

The split test counts the contact even if it has not run through the split test itself! It can therefore also have come via a different channel, e.g. if a tag is assigned via a different channel.

However, if it meets the criteria of the split test target, it will be counted. The split test only needs to be active for this to happen.

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