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Use YouTube Engagement Analysis

Learn how to effectively use KlickTipp's YouTube engagement analytics. This powerful feature offers more than just a search. It helps you find relevant videos and metrics. Discover how to make the most of the filter options in this article that explains how to use KlickTipp's YouTube engagement analysis.

YouTube has long since evolved from a pure video platform to a search engine. This makes it a huge source of ideas for almost every area. KlickTipp provides you with a lot more than just a search. Filter by channel name, video URL or similar videos. Display up to 500 results including important key figures with just one click.

Important to know

The YouTube engagement analysis is only available in the Enterprise account.

Step-by-step Instructions

  • Click on → Tools → YouTube engagement analysis.
  • Click on → YouTube search settings.
  • There you can select a search filter.
  • Choose from various options. These may differ depending on the search filter selected.
  • Finally, click on → Find.
  • KlickTipp generates the list of results and key figures based on the search filters.
  • You can copy the URLs of the videos displayed to the clipboard. To do this, click on → Copy video links  and click in the list in the window that appears. Then select → right mouse buttoncopy.

Use the YouTube engagement analysis to search for specific videos and find important key figures. Use this function to gain valuable insights and optimize your video strategy.

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